Modern Slavery Statement


The Better Sleep Clinic is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business and supply chains. This statement outlines the steps we take to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not occur within our operations or supply chains, in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our Business

The Better Sleep Clinic is a UK-based online clinic dedicated to improving sleep health. We provide expert advice, resources, and consultations to individuals and organisations, helping them achieve better sleep and overall well-being. We take our ethical responsibilities seriously and strive to operate with integrity and transparency in all areas of our work.

Our Policies

We have implemented the following policies to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and to promote ethical practices:

  1. Code of Conduct: Our Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to ethical behaviour, respect for human rights, and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

  2. Supplier Code of Conduct: We require all suppliers and business partners to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which prohibits the use of forced labour, child labour, and human trafficking.

  3. Whistleblowing Policy: Our Whistleblowing Policy encourages employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any concerns about unethical or unlawful practices, including modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our Supply Chains

We work with a range of suppliers and service providers to deliver our services. Our supply chains primarily include technology providers, professional services, and office support services. We are committed to working with suppliers who share our values and adhere to ethical standards.

Risk Assessment and Due Diligence

To mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking, we:

  • Conduct risk assessments to identify and address potential risks in our supply chains.

  • Perform due diligence on suppliers and partners before entering into business relationships.

  • Require suppliers to confirm their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act and our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Training and Awareness

We provide training to our staff to ensure they understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking and are equipped to identify and address such issues. Awareness initiatives include:

  • Regular training sessions on ethical business practices.

  • Clear communication of our policies and commitments.

Measuring Effectiveness

We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure their effectiveness. We measure progress by monitoring supplier compliance, reviewing reports from our whistleblowing channels, and conducting internal audits.

Our Commitment

The Better Sleep Clinic is dedicated to fostering a culture of transparency, respect, and accountability. We will continue to take proactive steps to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and ensure that our business and supply chains are free from such practices.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this statement or our approach to modern slavery, please contact us at